Sunday Herb Walk

Sunday Herb Walk

Offered Sundays. Flora is at its best from February until the end of June, it’s the green season. By then many of the herbs and plants are brown to various shades of gold, but other medicines come into their time. In Kalymnos, the land of Apollo, medicinal plants grow year round. The heat is extreme and usually there we do not see rain from May until September. Crocus here bloom in November… 

Sunday Herb walks begin at 4:30 pm. We meet at Naturally Kalymnos in Pothia. Beginning with a cold or hot Herbal Tea (depending on the Season) we will have an overlook of where we will go for this particular walk. We'll see a slideshow of the previous herbs that have already come and gone for the season or the herbs yet to appear for the year, then off we go to visit several areas. You'll have a greater understanding of the diverse and abundant herbal life of Kalymnos and the opportunity to learn how to gather herbs to insure future growth and abundance.  


You’ll want to bring your camera to photograph, video. We strongly recommend a hat, sunglasses, and sunblock as the sun can be very strong. Water to stay hydrated and a snack for during our walk.


We will provide a collection bag for the herbs you will learn to collect, pruning shears to make clean cuts and we will show you where and how to cut. This insures future growth and multiplication of the herbs into 2 branches where ever you cut.


At the end our walk we will enjoy  a picnic, on us. Some homemade humus, olives, cheese pies and other things of our own creation. It’s a meatless picnic, feel free to bring anything to add or just for you. We will take your questions and discuss what we saw then head back to Naturally Kalymnos.


Back at Naturally Kalymnos you can see the products made from these herbs and medicines Kalymnos has to offer, and an opportunity for some private shopping if you wish.

Limited to 5 guests, transportation and a picnic is provided.

(Workshops include time in the Lab when we return, so you can decide and select which herbs you will make a tincture and which for an herbal oil infusion.)

Event Properties

Event Date 08-01-2021 5:30 pm
Capacity 5
Registered 0
Available place 5
Cut off date 07-30-2021
Individual Price €70.00
Location Naturally Kalymnos

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Location Map